a little complainer...
So speech therapy has been going great. J loves his "tea-her Donna" and asks for " my Tea-her?" at least once a day; and can now actually say teacher and Donna! I can understand 98% of what he says without a problem, and if you are listening to him, most people can understand about 75%.
One of the great joys of J learning how to communicate so we can all understand him, is that he likes to complain. A lot. I am now bombarded with a variation of complaints. "Ahi hit me", " Ailey ook my shirt off!!!", "No, mine!", "no, baby! My Juice! and the list goes on and on...
It almost makes me wish he couldn't talk sometimes, but then he will be super sweet and say "Iss baby." "me too" and " chicken peas! " And I am so glad he is finally able to communicate with us.