The adult movies sucked this week!
So we will start with the kids, The Black Cauldron a Disney movie that seems to have slipped through the cracks. This is a must see for any kid enchanted with wizardry - which is most kids these days. While N loved it, B was scared at parts, so I would leave it for the kids 5 and older.
Shopgirl my movie of the week was awful! Slow to start, an uninteresting story line, and a cast that didn't seem to mesh well all helped add to this disaster. While Steve Martin and Claire Danes are two of my favorite actors, they were not meant to play romantic opposites. I almost turned this one off after 10 minutes, but decided to give it another 15, at which time my curiosity had finally peaked enough not to chuck it out the window, but it was close. While watching this I felt as if I was watching a foreign film and the subtitles were missing, like I was truly missing the plot - exactly how I felt when we tried to watch the Davinci Code and there was a glitch on the movie so we couldn't read them fast enough (it has been put back on he list to try and watch again) like a big part of the story was missing.
And that brings us to our final movie, Monster House a computer animated film, which is very obvious on the computer aspect, not my favorite style of movie. Initially I did not want the children to watch this one, but overall it wasn't too bad, although they only saw it once, and I still would not recommend it for young viewers. I did not really like this film, although the plot wasn't bad, I just couldn't get past the style of animation used.