The real estate chronicles...
As most of you know we are trying to sell our home in suburbia in order to finally move to the country, something we tried to do 3 years ago but failed because we had 3 days to find a house, and it was Easter weekend, and there was a record blizzard raging, which prevented our agent from taking us to see the homes on acreage we had picked out, so we ended up in a "planned community" ie tract house in suburbia. Anyways...
The inside of our house is now boring beige and white (goodbye custom harvest colors), half of our belongings are packed (the china, 98% of the kids toys, all family pictures taken down, half our clothes - to make the closets bigger you know?, etc.) Aba dug up all the bulbs we have planted thru the years and stuck them in the fridge (yep, a whole shelf is now full of flower bulbs!!!), the toy room is no more, our dining table is in the dining room, so we now eat standing around the counter, or picnic style on the floor (the dining room is carpeted, not a good idea with kids, especially since it to is beige as well). I scrub all day, and tell the kids not to touch anything, it is tons of fun here!!!
So we have done essentially all we can do. And now we continue to wait. Wait for someone who sees this house as a home for there family. Yes, I know the market is slow, but where we live it is still a sellers market (just barely, but it is). The hardest part though is that our neighbor decided to place their house for sale as well. We both have the same perks, cul-de-sac, walk out basement, 4 beds, 3 baths, etc. etc. etc. But she works, has 2 kids that are in school all day and at her ex's on the weekends, and doesn't cook like I do. So she is not being run ragged by the process like I am. That doesn't really bother me, I know this is all only temporary, but what I don't get is why she had 17 showings last weekend, and we had 0. Yep, zero, she has a showing or 2 everyday, and we have had 1 all week.
Why would some one not look at both? Especially since our asking price is less!!! Okay, sorry with the ranting there... (It has been a long few months).
Anyways we are ready to move on, we know where we want to go, we are hoping no one puts an offer on it before we do, or before our house sells and pushes us out. Aba is ready to go - planning in his head, figuring what he needs to do once there, researching and reading about things he needs to know more of (like bees); the kids are ready to go - dreaming of fishing at our own creek, collecting eggs in the mornings and begging for horses (yeah, we are not getting horses); I am ready to go with seed lists to order; and even Master Hunter is ready to go and have room to roam.
We are living in Limbo, neither here nor there, waiting for the next step, waiting for an offer, waiting for an acceptance, waiting for the next ball to drop. Waiting for our lives to continue. Just waiting...