I should be...
I should be washing the dishes
I should be folding the pile of laundry
I should be searching the Internet for boxes
I should be packing the basement
I should be polishing the stair rails
I should be baking a batch of cookies
I should be mixing some bread
I should be taking out the trash
I should be shoveling the deck
I should be paying the bills
I should be organizing the bookcase
I should be tidying the dishes
I should be waxing the floor
I should be vacuuming the carpets
I should be scrubbing the walls
I should be touching up paint
I should be doing countless things,
But I am not. I am sitting in front of the fire enjoying the peace while the kids are outside and the baby is asleep. Curled up with my dog, heaving a sigh. Sometimes life gives us pause from our stresses and worries, a chance to revive. I am an impatient waiter, and waiting is what I am now doing, the to do list is all in place because of the waiting; waiting for the house to sell, waiting to move, waiting to go on to the next stage of life.