Blog Roll!!!
You will notice my blog roll has changed a little (okay, a lot) recently. A lot of it is because I am researching and gathering information, but part of it is also because many of my old blogs stopped posting. I am now also using Google reader so that it takes much less time each day to find all the new posts, and I don't miss any, I have no idea how that affects their reader stats though. Please visit these blogs, maybe you will find one you enjoy as well!
How do you choose which blogs to read? Personally I will read a month or so of posts before deciding if I like a blog or not, and will give them a month of "bad" posts before deleting them (if they just stop posting I keep them in my reader, hoping they will come back, but take them off of the blog roll). How do I choose the ones I like? Some of them are funny, some are informative, some have great pictures. And some are just interesting in an odd sort of way. If there are any blogs you think are great, feel free to leave a comment and I will check them out, and for fellow bloggers, don't forget you comment, I follow.
A homesteading Neophyte
Absolutely Bananas
Adventures in the 100 acre woods
Cauldron Ridge farm
Children in the Corn
Pioneer Woman
Dad Gone Mad
Fast grow the Weeds
Free Range Living
Get in the Car
Home Ec 101
House, Poor. Homesteading Happy
Inner Musings and Misadventures
Irish Sally Garden
Kentucky Hollers
Notes from the Trenches
Oh, the Joys
Pile of O'Melays
Post Secret
Small Meadow Farm
Stuck in Customs
Sugar Creek Farm
Sugar mountain farm
The Bee Buzz
The Mountain Dweller
The Queen of Shake-Shake
The Unusually Unusual Farmchick
Touch the Earth Farm