Sunday, December 24, 2006

Well it is snowing AGAIN

So I guess now is as good as a time as any to update MommyMommyland! Aba was able to borrow an SUV from one of our neighbors to get to work on Friday and was able to retrieve our camera, so I have some videos of our snowpack to share ( see below) as well as a video of the 8th night of Chanukah.

But before I show you, let me explain all the work and effort that went into finding a particular gift for J I saw this gift on a TV commercial and thought J would love that! and I saw it in many stores, but wanted to ask other parents if their children liked it before I went and got it (it was kinda pricey) so I asked in my online group (hi PAFO! - waving and smiling) and it seemed all who had gotten it had loved it, so with the go ahead from Aba I set out to buy it. I went to 6 stores and lo and behold they were all sold out of it, then I called another 10 who were also sold out! and then finally found it at one online store - the rest were also sold out! but one was all I really needed, so we ordered, it and Waited for it arrive which finally happened on the 5th day of chanukah - thank goodness, and he went nuts! It was definitely worth all of that effort, I mean true he was happy with his pillow, and playing with his new hot wheel nonstop (running it all over the walls and such) but really the last present is supposed to be the best right? well I think it certainly was!

So now I sit here with the Bronco's game on, typing away while Aba and N are headed over to CB and Potts to watch the Chargers (they are not playing on regular TV today) I will share with you 3 videos and a few choice pictures from the chanukah blizzard of 2006 and a few chanukah pics you have yet to see.